Handcrafted Classical Guitars by Michael Edgeworth

Classical guitars, meticulously handcrafted. A strong, resonant and vibrant tone, with tasteful aesthetics and comfortable playability. Each element is ever being refined based on the feedback of players, guitar dealers and other guitar makers.

It is my aim to build concert guitars of the highest level. Guitars that allow players to expand their horizons. Guitars that inspire players to perform at their highest level.


Here on my website you can learn about me, and my guitar philosophy. You can find details about my concert classical guitars and my flamenco guitars. I am always learning, improving and refining my instruments. If you would like to delve deep into the classical guitar world, check out my blog, and subscribe to my newsletter. I have a shop, where you can buy the latest available guitars, and use an order form to order a bespoke classical guitar, with a variety of options and upgrades.




I started my blog, A Classical Guitar Maker, for guitarists to read about guitar-related topics from a guitar maker’s perspective. Classical guitar players and guitar makers tread a parallel path in their pursuit of great musical heights. I have learned a great deal from interviews and podcasts from classical guitarists, and hope that my perspective can be similarly helpful.

So far I have covered topics such as the development of my concert classical guitar, the different guitar finishes - French polish, oil, and lacquer. Some of my recent activities have included building a guitar in collaboration guitar with two other English luthiers, and displaying my work at classical music festivals such as Leicester MusicFest and the Chichester Festival of Music Speech and Drama. There is an endless array of topics to discuss regarding handcrafted classical guitars.

I hope guitarists will enjoy following my work as I learn, progress and constantly refine and develop my instruments. Find my whole blog HERE and read my latest posts below.

Don’t forget to hit subscribe, and if you would like my thoughts on a particular subject, don’t hesitate to get in touch.



“The even bigger advance is the sound - fantastic! The tone is darker than the spruce guitar and the sustain is much longer even though the body depth is slightly less. It makes me want to play slower to let the guitar do the work.” - Phil (London)

“It’s beautiful. I really love the tone of it. It’s action is very easy for me to play. It’s going to have to stay in its case for the next 10 days as I will be in Norfolk. I look forward to playing it in when I return. You are so talented. I will recommend you to anyone who needs a handcrafted classical guitar.” - Dianne (Bedfordshire)

“I have the pleasure and honour of owning one of Michael's recent handcrafted classical guitars. It is a beautiful thing and a joy to play, with a clear, crisp tone. Nice top notes and a good sound - much louder and fuller than my previous instrument. I'll be following your guitar building career with much interest, Michael.” - Lizzie (Bedfordshire)

“The guitar handles very well and always impresses me with how it responds while playing, it has a lot of energy and a huge tone. I am always taken by how it really feels alive. Thank you so much, it really is a pleasure each and every time I play it.” - Brian (San Francisco)

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